RDI Rebranding: art as an element of business

19/ 09

RDI - a holding company specialized in integrated territory development and creation of modern living spaces - launched a large-scale rebranding company early in the fall which affected all corporate elements – from logo to corporate structure.

RDI has considerably expanded its presence in the real estate market since 2005 when it first started operating. Today the company strives to create living space which fully meets the needs of a modern urban citizen. The structure and vision of the company which reflect the principle of united culture, comfort, benchmark design and accessibility contribute to the attainment of this goal.

RDI keenly felt the pressing need of a modern person to fill up not only material space but spiritual space as well, without which life in the modern city turns into routine. This is why the group structure includes several subdivisions: RDI Development, RDI Telecom, RDI Serviсe, RDI Culture, RDI Geo. Operating as one whole the Group creates sound space for life and development. Such integrated and diversified business structure allows RDI to demonstrate high financial indicators. The volume of investments in development projects exceeds 143 bln rub. Within the coming 5-10 years the total volume of investments in corporate projects will amount to about 495 bln rub. The total project portfolio of the company is expected to reach around 9 mln sq.m.

RDI team finds inspiration for implementing development projects in modern art. The group has already supported over 30 various exhibitions and is the owner of VIENNAFEIR modern art fair which runs annually in Vienna, capital of Austria.

Today a change in the Group structure and vision is reflected in RDI logo, in which the circle symbolizes reliability and absolute perfection and the changing colors – a strive for ongoing development, life happiness and excitement.

The design of the new logo was created by Austrian company Gaisberg. The corporate logo as a fundamental element of the visual perception of rebranding became more modern after the renewal and embodied the way RDI views its mission - as sound integrated development of city space to ensure comfortable living.

“As we see the active development of the Group, we could not but reflect it in innovations, both in structure as well as in external positioning. Among other things, RDI Culture was established to complement other subdivisions of the company - RDI Service, RDI Telecom etc. Art and culture to us are not supplementary activities but a very important part of the process of generating ideas and solutions which are embodied in our projects. This is our key difference from other development companies which allows us to successfully create new living spaces”, believes Sergey Korotchenkov, RDI General Director.