The exhibition «Innovation as a Method» is opening in the Hermitage aimed at those who want a better understanding of innovative technologies and their interactions with contemporary...
Residential Complex "Novo Molokovo"
M4 Kashirskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА -
Residential Complex "Yuzhnoe Vidnoe"
M4 Kashirskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА -
Residential Complex "Zagorodnyy Kvartal"
M10 Leningradskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА -
Suburb "Western Valley"
M3 Kiyevskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА -
Suburbs "South Valley"
M3 Kiyevskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА
Suburb "Western Valley"
M3 Kiyevskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА -
Suburbs "South Valley"
M3 Kiyevskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА
Suburb "Western Valley"
M3 Kiyevskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА -
Suburbs "South Valley"
M3 Kiyevskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА -
Residential Complex "Zagorodnyy Kvartal"
M10 Leningradskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА
Industrial Park "M4"
M4 Kashirskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА
Natural Park "Kamenka"
M3 Kiyevskoye Highway САЙТ ПРОЕКТА
29/12On 28 December, RDI officially opened modern child care center with an area of 2 300 sq.m. located in “South Vidnoe” housing estate.
23/12On this New Year’s eve the venue of the winter festival in Novo-Molokovo brought together good neighbors, friends and colleagues, sportsmen, painters and artists who all came to participate in this bright and rich holi...
Develop projects
Industrial Park "M4"
Natural Park "Kamenka"
Residential Complex "Novo Molokovo"
Residential Complex "Yuzhnoe Vidnoe"
Residential Complex "Zagorodnyy Kvartal"
Suburb "Western Valley"
Suburbs "South Valley"
Our partners
RDI pays much attention to quality and reliability of the developer projects. Involvement of leaders world architectural and design bureaus, the largest engineering and developer companies, financial institutes, the international consulting groups, the best construction enterprises allows the company to create unique projects on the filling. Without trying to overtake time, we go one step ahead the market, looking in the future on some tens years forward, and unconditional quality of work guarantees end result.
143421, Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk District, 9th km Novorizhskoe Highway
BC "RigaLand", bldg. 3, entrance 1
Tel./ fax:
+7 (495) 585-22-22